Forensic Anthropology: 2000 to 2010

Forensic Anthropology: 2000 to 2010


Advances in our ability to analyse information from skeletal remains and subsequent developments in the field of forensic anthropology make it possible to identify more victims of homicides, mass-fatality disasters, and genocide. Summarizing the vast collection of international literature that has developed over the past decade, Forensic Anthropology: 2000 to 2010 explores critical themes fundamental to this evolving topic. A superior supplemental text for any physical anthropology or archaeology class, this volume provides an ideal starting point for advanced exploration and more detailed analysis of select areas. Each chapter presents an overview of the theme under discussion, identifies present trends in research, and suggests areas in which future research could be developed.Topics discussed include:Age determination in juveniles and adults Sex, race, and ancestry determination Stature determination Dental and facial identification Skeletal trauma and bone pathology Taphonomy and comparative osteology Identification from soft tissuesHeavily referenced, each chapter contains extensive bibliographies that facilitate further study. The scope of the book's coverage and the careful presentation of meticulous research make it an essential resource for those seeking deeper exploration of this growing field.


We Cannot Forget: Interviews with Survivors of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda (Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights)

We Cannot Forget: Interviews with Survivors of the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda (Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights)


During a one-hundred-day period in 1994, Hutus murdered between half a million and a million Tutsi in Rwanda. The numbers are staggering the methods of killing were unspeakable. Utilizing personal interviews with trauma survivors living in Rwandan cities, towns, and dusty villages, We Cannot Forget relates what happened during this period and what their lives were like both prior to and following the genocide.Through powerful stories that are at once memorable, disturbing, and informative, readers gain a critical sense of the tensions and violence that preceded the genocide, how it erupted and was carried out, and what these people faced in the first sixteen years following the genocide.


The Long Evolution of Brains and Minds

The Long Evolution of Brains and Minds


The main topic of the book is a reconstruction of the evolution of nervous systems and brains as well as of mental-cognitive abilities, in short intelligence from simplest organisms to humans. It investigates to which extent the two are correlated. One central topic is the alleged uniqueness of the human brain and human intelligence and mind. It is discussed which neural features make certain animals and humans intelligent and creative: Is it absolute or relative brain size or the size of intelligence centers inside the brains, the number of nerve cells inside the brain in total or in such intelligence centers decisive for the degree of intelligence, of mind and eventually consciousness? And which are the driving forces behind these processes? Finally, it is asked what all this means for the classical problem of mind-brain relationship and for a naturalistic theory of mind.


The Origin of Species: 150th Anniversary Edition

The Origin of Species: 150th Anniversary Edition


The classic that exploded into public controversy, revolutionized the course of science, and continues to transform our views of the world.Few other books have created such a lasting storm of controversy as The Origin of Species. Darwin's theory that species derive from other species by a gradual evolutionary process and that the average level of each species is heightened by the survival of the fittest stirred up popular debate to a fever pitch. Its acceptance revolutionized the course of science.As Sir Julian Huxley, the noted biologist, points out in his illuminating introduction, the importance of Darwin's contribution to modern scientific knowledge is almost impossible to evaluate: a truly great book, one which after a century of scientific progress can still be read with profit by professional biologists.Darwin was one of history's towering geniuses and ranks with the greatest heroes of man's intellectual progress. -George Gaylord Simpson in The Meaning of Evolution


Apes and angels: The Irishman in Victorian caricature

Apes and angels: The Irishman in Victorian caricature


Images of the Irish in political cartoons underwent a gradual but unmistakable change between the 1840s and the turn of the century. Depicted at first as harmless, whiskey-drinking peasants, Irishmen increasingly were represented - especially after the rise of the Fenian movement in the 1860s - as apelike monsters menacing law, order, and middle-class values. Showing that cartoons in London, Dublin, and New York newspapers tapped into a preexisting cultural aquifer of assumptions about race and civilization, L. Perry Curtis, Jr. explores the connections among Victorian images of the Irish, the lore of physiognomy, the debate over evolution, and the art of caricature. The escalating demonization of Paddy, the stereotypical Irish rebel, in such comic weeklies as Punch, Judy, and Fun paralleled the increasingly militant nature of Irish nationalism after the famine of the late 1840s. These harsh caricatures also played into the belief among many educated Victorians that the Irish were a separate race whose inferiority could be seen clearly in their facial features. And the midcentury emergence of Darwin's theories prompted cartoonists to assign to more violent Irish nationalists the role of the half-ape/half-man. Including American depictions of simianized Irishmen as examples of the first wave of nativism in the United States, Apes and Angels documents the power of caricature in reinforcing cultural stereo-types. First published in 1971, the book now includes a new introduction and two additional chapters that address recent scholarship on ethnic imagery and discuss a contemporary revival of the gorilla-guerilla figure in graphic portrayals of IRA terrorists.


Forensic Taphonomy: The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains (Forensicnetbase)

Forensic Taphonomy: The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains (Forensicnetbase)


Links have recently been established between the study of death assemblages by archaeologists and paleontologists (taphonomy) and the application of physical anthropology concepts to the medicolegal investigation of death (forensic anthropology). Forensic Taphonomy explains these links in a broad-based, multidisciplinary volume. It applies taphonomic models in modern forensic contexts and uses forensic cases to extend taphonomic theories. Review articles, case reports, and chapters on methodology round out this book's unique approach to forensic science.


Worldwide Variation in Human Growth

Worldwide Variation in Human Growth


The health of a population is most accurately reflected in the rate of growth of its children. This theme, prevalent in this book, underlies the analysis and presentation of what is by far the largest compilation of growth data ever assembled in one source. The first edition, published in 1976, included all known reliable recent results on height, weight, skinfolds, and other body measurements from all parts of the globe. In this edition, numerous subsequent measurements taken between 1976 and 1988 have been included, as well as the results of a large number of new studies made on rate of maturation as evinced by bone age and pubertal development stages. Many sections of the book dwell on disentangling the effects of the environment and heredity on growth, and attempt to answer the question of whether one universal standard suffices for all peoples of the world or whether different populations (such as races or nations) should each have their own optimal growth standards.